Things missing from Guild Wars…

Guild Wars is great but sometimes I feel that there are some things missing in the game, which should not be that horribly difficult to fix. For example there are some serious problems with the in-game item trade:

  1. Some players are not interested in trading, so they switch off the trade chat
  2. Traders know this, so they spam the main chat with trade offers
  3. If you spot an interesting trade offer, you still need to locate the trader somewhere in town
  4. Allot of people (myself included) hate standing in town and spamming. But it’s hard to make a good deal without investing considerable time into it.

These issues could be easily fixed by introducing some sort of trading interface such as auction house, or another form of guild agent. In other words, there should be a way to employ some sort of NPC middle man in the player to player trade. You should be a able to put some of your items up for auction, and sell them to a highest bidder without standing in the middle town for an hour trying to solicit other players for hours on end.

Another issue is team building. I had this problem the other day when I was standing in the town franticly yelling LFG. Someone picked me up, and we quickly picked up some other random people from the street and filled up empty team slots. The team ended up being composed of 4 W/Mo tanks, and two necromancers. No real healer, and no elementalist to deal massive AoE damage. Now, we had a dilemma. Do we kick one of the warriors and look for a healer? Who do we kick?

Of course, in the end the team turned out to be quite decent. Two of the tanks had semi-decent healing spells, and with two necros on the team we had a small army of undead marching with us and enough DoT spells to make a difference. But things like that should not be an issue. There should be a better team building tool out there.

In a perfect world you should be able to specify that you want at least (or exactly) 1 monk on the team. And, just like with trading, it should be possible to do this without hunting for the person in the town

I don’t know – maybe that’s just me…

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